If you see someone in the water surfing with his board upside down, backwards and ending every wave in a big superman-like jump in the air, chances are you’ve spotted Rui! Owner and Manager of the Ferrel Surf House, Rui is a Portuguese free surfer, local to Peniche - his favourite surf spot in the world - for the past 20 years. He made the Surf House with love and you can feel it in each detail. He enjoys to work with wood, that’s why the surf house is full of cozy decorations made by Rui! He loves to teach and believes that surfing “changes us and makes us better people.”
He cares so much about his students and their success. That is way all guests call him «the kindest instructor». Rui has students from all over the world, Olympic athletes and has gotten people who have never surfed before. He has also had students who have been taking lessons for years, coming again and again, because they trust him. The main goal of Rui is to create a big surf family, a community and people, who will always come back and progress, people, who really want to know how to surf. As he says: «Surfing is easy… when you know how to do that».